Delivering Essential Supplies to Women and Girls in Gaza

Nearly 1 million women and girls have been displaced in Gaza since the war began in 2023. Shelters for internally displaced people are overcrowded with little or no privacy, especially for women and girls. Tens of thousands of people are living in makeshift tents without access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene.

At Heart to Heart International, we understand the critical role hygiene plays in maintaining health and dignity, particularly during times of crisis. That’s why we’ve focused on ensuring access to essential hygiene supplies, including 1.7 million menstrual pads, for women and girls in Gaza in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Overcoming Obstacles to Deliver Critical Supplies

Getting these vital supplies into Gaza involved navigating complex logistical challenges. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our dedicated staff and trusted partners at Airlink and UNFPA these hygiene kits are now being distributed to those who need them most.

More Than Just Hygiene

The impact of these deliveries goes far beyond basic hygiene. Access to menstrual pads empowers women and girls, allowing them to manage their menstrual health with confidence and dignity. This, in turn, contributes to their mental and emotional well-being, reducing feelings of helplessness and vulnerability.

One displaced woman in Mawasi Rafah shared the desperate situation she faced: “I live in a tent with my three daughters… We can’t buy pads… We have lost our hope, power, and dignity.”

Another woman conveyed the anguish she felt when not being able to care for herself or her daughter’s menstrual needs: “When needed, I would cut a piece of cloth to use as a pad. I am a widow. I have no husband, no son. I have no one, and my daughter’s husband was killed. So, I ended up tearing pieces of fabric to manage, and my daughter told me, ‘Mama, I cannot do this!’ But what can I do?” 

A Story of Hope

The distribution of hygiene kits provides a glimmer of hope amidst despair. Displaced women expressed their relief at receiving these essential supplies, “The hygiene kits have been a lifeline for us,” said one woman. “They empower women and girls,” echoed a distributing partner, “by providing them with the necessities to manage their hygiene and menstrual health with dignity and privacy.”

Our Gratitude

We at Heart to Heart International extend a heartfelt thank you to our generous donors and partners whose support made this critical aid delivery possible. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of women and girls in Gaza.