The Ohio Valley recently faced a double crisis. Torrential downpours caused devastating multi-state floods, submerging homes and roads, leaving thousands in need. To make matters worse, these same areas then faced freezing temperatures, ice and snow. Heart to Heart International responded quickly to bring relief to those affected by this disaster, recognizing the importance of swift and effective intervention in the face of this need.
Addressing Immediate Needs: Hygiene Kits
In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, basic necessities become critical. We dispatched a shipment of hygiene kits to our partner, Gleaning for the World. These kits contained essential items like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and other personal care products—small things that can make a big difference to families who lost everything. We previously worked with Gleaning for the World during our Hurricane Helene response, and we know they ensured these supplies reached those who needed them most. Distributing hygiene kits helps to restore a sense of normalcy and helps prevent the spread of illness for families staying in temporary living situations and crowded shelters.
Expanding Our Reach: Additional Aid Shipments
We did not stop there. We actively connected with our network of partners in Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, and Alabama to understand the full scope of the damage and identify the most pressing needs in response to the floods in Ohio Valley. We sent more hygiene kits and 250 doses of Tdap (a vaccine to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) to West Virginia Health Right and are preparing four more shipments of aid to additional partners, including The Free Clinic of Franklin County, The Health Wagon, and Old Dominion University Care Clinic.
Sending Requested Aid
Recognizing that every disaster situation is unique, carefully tailor our responses to the specific needs requested by our partners. This reflects our dedication to a needs-based response, which helps prevent communities from being overwhelmed with well-intentioned, but ultimately unneeded aid. By closely coordinating with our partners to assess and prioritize needs, we ensure that our support is both timely and impactful, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient recovery.