2024 Impact Report

Heart to Heart International delivers hope and healing worldwide to those affected by crises or living in under-resourced communities. Please view a digital version of our 2024 Impact Report below to learn about the global impact HHI delivered in 2024, enabled by its partners and the generous support of donors and volunteers.

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Health services

Making a Difference

Heart to Heart International improves healthcare access in the U.S. and around the world.

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our impact

Since 1992
Countries HHI has Shipped Product to
$ 2.6 B
In Delivered Aid
1.1 M
volunteer hours
Find out more about the ways Heart to Heart International is making a difference around the world.

Our Mission

Heart to Heart International seeks to improve healthcare access in the U.S. and around the world by ensuring quality care is provided equitably in medically under-resourced communities and in disaster situations.


what we do

Our Stories

personal impact

Abdul Raman

Abdul Raman lived in a refugee camp in Syria after bombings destroyed his home. The bombing also took his lower legs and killed his mother and brother. Abdul had to adjust to this new life without his family and without the ability to walk. Heart to Heart International was able to ease Abdul’s journey with a simple, life-changing device: a wheelchair. Abdul received one of the wheelchairs from a shipment of humanitarian aid delivered to Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Relief to Orient for Human Relief.

“We promised him we would secure him a chair that would help him on his travels. Thank you, Heart to Heart."
- Orient for Human Relief

personal impact


“T” was a 6-year-old boy born with congenital third nerve palsy on his left side, causing his left eyelid to droop and giving the impression that his left eye was larger and bulging out. He could not see properly without tilting his head. During Virtue Foundation’s 2015 mission trip in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, doctors repaired T’s eye in a surgical procedure using a silicone frontalis sling. With his eyelids more symmetrical, it is now much easier for him to see and navigate through the world. Virtue Foundation used medical equipment, including sterile gloves, blood pressure cuffs and general diagnostic equipment provided by HHI for approximately 900 patient screenings and more than 280 surgical procedures (including T’s) in less than two weeks.
“This operation, and many others like it, it could not have happened without the help of Heart to Heart and the donated products that we received."
- Karen Hu, Virtue Foundation

personal impact

Dr. Stone

On the last day treating patients in Honduras during the 2020 response to Hurricane Eta/Iota, HHI’s volunteer OB/GYN Dr. Stone diagnosed a woman with severe preeclampsia. The patient was transferred immediately to the hospital, more than an hour and a half away, to have her baby that same day. Without the diagnosis, this could have been life-threatening for both the mother and baby.

personal impact


Peter, 53 and a father of two, cut his leg while cleaning up from Hurricane Michael in Florida in 2018. The wound became infected and caused him enormous pain. The Heart to Heart International medical team was set up with the Mobile Medical Unit and had the supplies and expertise to clean and treat his wound and provide medicines for the infection. Peter’s wife, Jelliot, was thankful to have found the HHI medical team. “It was impossible to find a doctor—we are so grateful for Heart to Heart,” Jelliot said.

Who We Serve

Whether it be distributions of humanitarian aid or deploying a team of medical volunteers, Heart to Heart International understands that our impact is measured in lives changed.

Working with partners in Kansas City, throughout the United States, and around the world, our work focuses on changing lives by providing life-saving health services and aid.Heart to Heart International improves access to healthcare by strengthening healthcare services and systems, serving those affected by humanitarian crisis, and working to reduce barriers and inequities in health around the world.

HHI does not discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religion, political opinion or class. We prioritize who we serve based on need and urgency, working with communities to determine and meet the needs of the most vulnerable around the world.

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Get Involved!

Give the gift of health when you donate to Heart to Heart International. We are committed to improving healthcare access around the world. When you gift a donation to us, you’re sending ripples of health into the world that will improve multiple lives.
