Hygiene kits delivered to Maricopa, Arizona

July 6, 2020 – Known cases of COVID-19 in Arizona passed 100,000 on Monday, July 6, 2020. The first case of COVID-19 in Arizona was identified in Maricopa County in late January, and Maricopa County currently has the highest number of COVID-19 positive cases in the state of Arizona with almost 65,000.

Hygiene plays an important part in the fight against COVID-19, and hygiene kits are one way to encourage good hygiene practices and give people in low-resource communities the items they need to maintain good practices. Last month, we sent 1,350 of our PowrServ hygiene kits to a food bank in Maricopa – F.O.R. Maricopa. The food bank then distributed the kits to people it serves and to six other organizations serving people in need in the county. The other organizations are:

  • Maricopa crisis Center
  • Against Abuse Shelter
  • Be Awesome Group
  • Ak Chin Social Services
  • Maricopa High School homeless program
  • Mercy Mission (feeds 1000 kids every day)

“They [the kits] were such a blessing for us and quite a few other groups that we shared them with.” – Wendy Webb, F.O.R. Maricopa

These critical hygiene items will help the people who are served by these amazing organizations during this crisis. We need your help getting even more hygiene kits to people in need. Click the button below to sponsor one or more hygiene kits for $10 each and help bring hygiene and good health to people in need.

A huge thank you to Ecolab for assembling the kits distributed in Maricopa, Arizona!

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