Providing Faster Care and Better Outcomes with Laboratory Program at Will-Grundy Medical Clinic

Will Grundy Medical Clinic (WGMC) in Joliet, Illinois, provides free healthcare services to low-income residents of Will and Grundy counties who lack access to medical care.

This year, WGMC was selected as one of six recipients of a point-of-care on-site lab installation through Heart to Heart International’s collaborative grant program with BD, National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, and Henry Schein Cares. HHI traveled to WGMC in June to install the lab equipment and provide training for clinic staff. This exciting development will transform how WGMC serves its patients.

Faster Results, Better Care

Previously, WGMC relied on sending diagnostic tests to external labs, often causing delays in receiving results. This process often means additional appointments and patient frustration. With the new on-site lab, WGMC can now perform a wide range of tests, including those for chronic conditions prevalent among their patients, within the same visit.

Benefits for Patients:

  • Immediate Results: Treatment plans can be developed and initiated right away, improving patient outcomes.
  • Reduced Appointments: Fewer follow-up visits are needed, saving patients time and transportation costs.
  • Improved Patient Satisfaction: Faster diagnosis and treatment lead to a more streamlined and efficient healthcare experience.

Beyond the Technology

HHI’s support extends beyond the equipment itself. We provide ongoing technical support and training to WGMC staff, ensuring they can confidently operate the new lab. Additionally, we offer mentorship to help them maximize the impact of this new technology.

This lab program at WGMC is a powerful example of how HHI empowers community healthcare providers to deliver exceptional care. By equipping clinics with this technology and supporting their staff, we can ensure that underserved populations receive the timely and effective healthcare they deserve.